I’ve been dumped by my woman-Now what do I do?

Most of you have probably been dumped by a girlfriend or a boyfriend at one time or another. If never seems to get any easier if it has happened more than once does it?

It’s only human nature to try and avoid pain. Taking risks sometimes means going through a lot of heart ache down the road. So what are some of the things you can learn if you are “coping with being dumped”?

Time helps heal the pain.

We all have disappointments and frustrations in life. Let’s face it, life just isn’t fair sometimes. Right after a break up it seems like you are never going to get through it. It’s kind of like losing a job. You are angry and resentful at first but eventually you do get over it.

How can anyone explain the injustice in the world? How can any of us understand why a small child has leukemia and eventually dies. It’s just not right! Can you imagine the pain a parent feels when that happens to their child? They may never completely get over it but they do find a way to cope eventually. There isn't any other choice.

Someone once wrote “that which doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger”. If only we could handle all adversity in our lives that way!

Sometimes being dumped is a blessing.

It sure may not seem that way at the time. All of us tend to fixate and tell ourselves “I have been dumped” constantly. It’s never easy seeing the blessing right away that a horrible event in our lives might bring down the road. Stop and really think for a minute: “were you REALLY happy” with her or him?

The bottom line is: relationships don’t end if everything is going well. Obviously, something was wrong or the breakup wouldn’t have happened. Try to learn from your mistakes. Experience is the greatest teacher of all in life.

Women need their space sometimes.

A lot of times smothering your gal is what caused her to dump you. We all need to be treated like adults and respected. Men can be pretty possessive sometimes. They tend to think that they “own” the woman in their life instead of realizing that it is a partnership. Both parties should have rights, freedoms and privileges to love and grow in the relationship.

Guys-keep your distance when you can see she needs it. Hold her when she is obviously upset. If she is really angry, give her some space at first to cool down and get a handle on her emotions.

Sometimes a relationship just wasn’t meant to be.

You did the best you could to keep the other person happy. If “you have been dumped” for something silly or insignificant in your mind there probably wasn’t too much more you could do. Some people are never happy. It’s a losing cause.

Get on with your life and start looking for someone new. There are a lot of very nice people in the world and someone that is just right for you!

We are the “masters of our own fate”.

That isn’t always true. There are plenty of times when things are completely out of our control. You may not have been able to avoid the situation but you can control how you react to it. Never give up hope that there is something better “around the bend”.

Life is never static. It ebbs and flows as things happen along the way. “Coping with a break up” is one of the toughest things you will ever go through. Make the best of it and be a better person in the end!

1 comment:

  1. My name is florence i live in USA i am a Lesbian and just 7 months ago my lesbian girlfriend broke up with me and ever since then i have been trying to get her back to love me again but all my effort to get her back did not work, i hardly sleep because i love her so much and i could not afford to loose her so i had to contact a powerful spell caster and doctor called doctor azeke whom i heard was specialized in helping people in this kind of situation.To cut my story short i contacted doctor azeke and he promised to help me get her back to me in just 4 days and at exactly 4 days she called me on phone for the first time since she left me, i was happy and knew it has started working and just after few days after she fell in love with me again and promise never to live me again. I am so happy today that my lesbian girlfriend is back again and i never could have get her back my self if not for the doctors spell so i am advising if you are finding it difficult to get your ex girlfriend or boyfriend, wife or husband back getting your lesbian or gay friend back in your life, you need to contact him and i am 100% sure he will be happy to help you all out. this is his contact info email: drazeke200@gmail.com          whatsapp : +2348115381248


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