We are fighting for our marriage. We need to try something different.

Many couples are in the same boat you are. They are also fighting for our marriage with little success. It’s not uncommon to have things going well one day and then it all falls apart again To get above that you know to have a plan in mind that works. So where do you start?

People do change over time. Your spouse may have developed new priorities or found new interests as time went on. What you used to have in common may not be the same any more. If your paths have diverged you must adapt or the relationship will eventually fall apart.

So many couples live in the past and cling to the things that used to make them happy. Life is filled with change whether we want to accept it or not. The important thing is to re-invent yourself as the circumstances dictate and “go with the flow”. Swimming upstream is a tremendous waste of energy.

Another thing that happens is one person in the marriage has lost sight of the ultimate goal. Marriage has always been intended to be a life long commitment. Obviously, things don’t always work out that way. You know there is still hope when both of you are committed to make our marriage work again.

If you need some counseling be sure and get it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Be honest about your own short comings and where you may have failed. If the other person is ready for that give them some time. Then gently remind them that your marriage is not going to make it unless they are willing to grow and change as well.

Last but not least, remember to be positive about your relationship as much as possible. All of us can look at the negative things and focus on them entirely. Help your mate see the good things that you had together. It’s amazing how easy it is to crowd out the negative things once you constantly focus on the positive things.

Over time, your relationship can survive and even bloom. Never throw in the towel. Make a commitment to stay together even when the situation seems hopeless. After all, is there really anything more important than fighting for our marriage when the chips are down?

Getting my boyfriend back-How hard is this going to be?

Every relationship is different. Your circumstances aren’t the same as anyone else. However, there are some simple, common sense ways to get your boyfriend back that work most of the time.

If you are stressed out, try to calm down a little bit. A lot of us don’t think very clearly when we are in the middle of a storm in our lives. Being desperate to have him back is only natural. Obviously, you invested a lot of yourself in making the relationship work. Now, he may not even be willing to speak to you.

You will never be able to get the ex back when the emotions are running on overload. It’s very important to understand that he needs to come back on his own. That’s not to say that you can’t help him get to that point!

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself: How does he feel about the relationship? Does he seem to have the desire to get back together? Can the two of you change to make sure a breakup never happens again? What do you want out of the relationship? Are you REALLY serious about getting back together or are you simply acting out of desperation not to feel alone?

What you do from this point forward will either “make or break” the relationship. Let him know that you are sincerely sorry if you hurt his feelings. So many women think that “getting my boyfriend back” doesn’t require an apology. You need to be willing to admit your mistakes. Don’t wait for him to make the first move.

Give each other some space and the opportunity to cool down. You need to make an honest effort to rekindle things without pushing too hard when you have an ex boyfriend to get back. Rushing the process usually backfires. Make sure the timing is right.

If you really love him, being patient and giving him some time shouldn’t be that difficult. You need to show him that he is the greatest guy in the world and how much he means to you. Don’t give lip service without being willing to follow up with actions. Use this time to learn from your mistakes. In the end, your relationship will probably be stronger and better than ever!

Can I get my guy back when the situation seems hopeless?

Heather kept asking her friends "how to get my guy back". She thought that her ex (Brian) was flirting way too much with her best friend. She knew that Brian was just friendly by nature but he had crossed the line. Heather had a bad day and took it out on Brian. He told her to take a hike.

Heather wants to figure out how to get love back in a hurry. She knows that Brian is really mad at her and doesn’t want anything to do with her. So, what should Heather do now?

First of all, Heather needs to apologize. It needs to be authentic and expressed in a way that recognizes how much Brian’s feelings were hurt. If he doesn’t want to listen to her, she should write a note. There are three components to a genuine apology.

The apology has to an admission that what she did was wrong. Then, Heather needs to figure out why she overreacted the way she did. Was it jealousy or possibly being insecure about her relationship? Was she being selfish by not letting Brian even communicate with another woman and having a little innocent fun?

How to win back a love sometimes involveds swallowing your pride even when you don't feel like you are wrong. It also means committing to change and make sure it never happens again.

Heather in this case need to say something like this: “Brian, I was wrong to accuse you of flirting with Sandy. I was feeling insecure for a number of reasons that had nothing to do with you and I snapped. I realize that I hurt you badly and I’m sorry. In the future, I will be careful not to lash out at you when I’m feeling crummy about myself.”

The next step it to let Brian think about what she said. Don’t expect him to get over being hurt right away. If he isn’t real excited about getting back together that doesn’t mean he won’t later on.

Heather knew that calling and texting Brian constantly wouldn't help "getting back with your ex boyfriend" just be counterproductive right now. Sending him letters or gifts was not a good idea right now. She also understood that waiting for Brian to contact her would mean he was really serious about reuniting and forgiving her.

They could try a “non-date” type of get together just to sort things out. How to get the love of your life back takes time. This is Heather’s chance to strike. Keeping things light is the best way to go at first. Bringing up some positive experiences that they had together helped Brian appreciate Heather again. We all need to be reminded every now and then that “the grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence”.

Heather and Brian finally did get back together. They are more in love than ever and try every day to build each other up. If one or the other of them start to feel offended or hurt they have learned to talk about it right away. Never let yourself get bitter or jealous to the point you finally explode. Getting your man back is worth the fight when he’s the right one!

The "Magic of Making Up" eBook Review.

With all the hype and misleading advertisements on the internet it is very difficult to find products that actually deliver. "The Magic of Making Up" might actually be the information that you need to start the reconciliation process after a break up.

Someone once said: “those who can’t teach those who can”. You may or may not agree with that statement. Credentials and formal education certainly have their place. When the rubber meets the road though doesn’t “real world experience” make a lot more sense? Of course it does!

You see, none of us have all the answers in knowing how to deal with relationship problems. Unfortunately, there just isn’t an instruction booklet or owners manual. It’s just “trial and error” as you go along. Sometimes you get it right. Sometimes you don’t.

"The Magic of Making Up" was the brainchild of a man named TW Jackson. His real world experience and life history has certainly qualifed him to help struggling couples. While his methods may seem a little unconventional the results are wildly successful.

If you start reading his material the “light will suddenly go on” in many cases. More often than not you will catch yourself asking the question “now why didn’t I think of that”? The old saying “two heads are better than one” certainly is true.

Are there any guarantees that "The Magic of Making Up" will work for you? Obviously not! Consider this though: a recent study found that 80% of all private practice marriage counselors in the U.S. say they conduct marriage therapy, yet only 12% are in a profession that requires them to take EVEN ONE course on dealing with couples.

That certainly doesn’t speak very well about the counseling “profession” does it?

Having said all that, are there any drawbacks to Mr. Jackson’s approach? The only negative that we could find is that both parties in the relationship need to be ready and willing to seriously try his methods. If one or the other person involved doesn't really put their mind to it the plan and his recommendations won't be successful. But that is true with anything.

Getting your ex back is never an easy process. Whether you are dating or married and find yourself alone the heart ache is very real and personal. Using every tool at your disposal not only makes sense but is vitally important. Your personal happiness (and prosperity) hangs in the balance.

Click here to order your copy of "The Magic of Making Up today

Get my ex love back when I’ve been dumped

In most relationships, it is the girl that ordinarily calls for a split. Most guys will hang in there a little longer but that isn’t always true. If you were the one that “got dumped” it’s only natural to be bitter, angry and disappointed. After all, we all have feelings and rejection is one of the toughest ones for all of us to handle.

If you know you want to get back together there are a few things that will make a difference. First and foremost, make sure you REALLY want to get back together. Jumping back into a relationship without knowing that that is what you want is a BIG mistake. Know what you want before you make any decisions.

Getting back together because you are lonely is a horrible mistake. It may not seem like there are any choices right now but time heals a lot of wounds. You will also find out that there are a lot of very nice people out there that are very anxious to meet you! “How to get back with my ex” shouldn’t be the only thing you think about. Try and force yourself to look at other alternatives if the timing just isn’t right for reconciling.

Women in particular can be extremely fickle when it comes to relationships. She may act as if there is never going to be a chance to get back together. Don’t accept what she says at face value. Let her work through some of her feelings and approach the subject again. She may be totally and completely in love with you still!

Give her some space for a while. That’s easier said than done particularly when you want to be with her again and can’t imagine your life any other way. The worst thing in the world is trying to force her into making a commitment again when she isn’t ready. “Winning your ex back" is something that takes a lot time. Don’t expect anything right away.

If you are serious about rekindling love with your ex significant other, then you absolutely have to heed the information in these tips, because they will drive the right results. Most relationships can be rekindled if the people in them are willing to go to great lengths to make it happen, so don't be discouraged.

5 Tips For Winning Your Ex Back

We all struggle when it seems impossible to “get back together with an ex”. You might find the steps below to be extremely helpful.

First of all, you can’t come across as being needy or desperate. Even if you feel that way, try not to act like it. Your ex won’t feel sorry for you or be any more inclined to try to reunite if you keep bugging them constantly. If anything, this is probably going to drive them further away and make it even harder to get back with the ex.

The next thing to remember is that minimizing contact is a good idea for the time being. This may seem like an odd approach at first but it is vital. It’s only common sense that tempers are probably flaring and feelings have been hurt. This is not the time to “win the ex back”. Give your partner a break. Cooler heads will always prevail.

The third thing to remember is that you have to be flexible if there is going to be any chance of getting back together. There were obviously problems in your relationship or you would still be together. Now is the time to give a little, be understanding and really listen to what your partner is saying. You will never be able to get back together if you don’t.

Number 4 is to get out and enjoy life again. Don’t stay home at nights sulking and feeling sorry for yourself. Find new interests and try to go on with your life as much as possible. Call your friends and get together even if you don’t feel like it. You need them along with your family to survive a breakup. Everyone knows that “I want my ex back”. Let them help you get your mind off that for a little while at least.

Finally, don’t try and change completely to get your ex back. Your partner may hate you right now. You must have had some attractive qualities or the relationship never would have gotten off the ground in the first place. Recognize that you need to make some changes and be willing to do it. Keep in mind that none of us will ever be perfect though. We all have ingrained habits and personality characteristics that we will never able to change.

Try and think about these things when the going gets tough in your relationship. In the end, you can make things better if you put a little effort into it.