So how do you keep a woman happy?

Men have struggled with this from the beginning of time. It’s no earth shattering discovery that men and women are different in many ways. So, how can you keep your gal from losing interest in you?

If you were dating and have already broken up then obviously you failed the test. You are now searching for the answers on how to get your ex girlfriend back. Don’t get too discouraged because a little hard work can repair any damage that might have been done.

The first piece of advice that any man needs to hear is that his woman wants to be appreciated. Never, ever take her for granted because she is a blessing that will get you through the tough times in life. You'd be surprised how strong your woman can be if she knows you are "in her court".

Always make sure you put your woman on a pedestal. She needs to know that she is the most beautiful creature in the world to you. She may seem to shrug off your gestures and comments about how amazing she is but those things are stored in her "memory bank".

You may not be interested in some of the activities that she enjoys but make every effort to go along with her if you can. Shopping is something men hate. Sometimes, you just have to go with your gal to the mall or department store and keep your mouth shut! Maybe your ex girlfriend just couldn’t get enough of it. You may have to swallow your pride a little in this area to make her come back.

A lot of guys are guilty of letting the romance die. Women crave it and need it. Men will probably never completely understand why it is so important. If you want to keep your woman you have to pay attention to this one guys! Even the he little things that you do mean so much to a woman. Stop at the grocery store and get her a bouquet of roses or call every once in a while just to say “I love you”. Arrange for a weekend away without the kids if you are married for the two of you. We all get stuck in a rut.

Women in general are more emotional than guys. A lot of that is due to hormones but that is just part of their makeup too. You have to be extremely careful about what you say because they do tend to take things personally (even though it wasn’t meant to be that way).

An absolute “no no” is to ogle other women when you are with your gal. Women tend to think you are comparing them to the woman you are looking at. You certainly are not thinking that way but that is how they percieve it. Women are looking for a lifetime partner that they can raise their children with. They want stability and commitment. Looking at other women destroys her self confidence. Getting her heart back is extremely difficult if you can’t get this part of your behavior under control.

Keep a sense of humor and never take yourself too seriously. Life is hard enough as it is. Have fun together, tickle her and giggle with her. Just be silly sometimes and try not to let the pressures of life suck all the joy out of your relationship.

All of these ideas are common sense. We all need a reminder from time to time about the things we forget to do. Many a man has driven his woman away because he didn’t take care to do the little things that mean so much to her. If you have already had that happen there is a book called the “Magic of Making Up” that has made a difference for so many people. Sometimes you just need an outsiders ideas to help you think about things that you may not have considered. You might want to check the book out for yourself.


  1. My name is florence i live in USA i am a Lesbian and just 7 months ago my lesbian girlfriend broke up with me and ever since then i have been trying to get her back to love me again but all my effort to get her back did not work, i hardly sleep because i love her so much and i could not afford to loose her so i had to contact a powerful spell caster and doctor called doctor azeke whom i heard was specialized in helping people in this kind of situation.To cut my story short i contacted doctor azeke and he promised to help me get her back to me in just 4 days and at exactly 4 days she called me on phone for the first time since she left me, i was happy and knew it has started working and just after few days after she fell in love with me again and promise never to live me again. I am so happy today that my lesbian girlfriend is back again and i never could have get her back my self if not for the doctors spell so i am advising if you are finding it difficult to get your ex girlfriend or boyfriend, wife or husband back getting your lesbian or gay friend back in your life, you need to contact him and i am 100% sure he will be happy to help you all out. this is his contact info email:          whatsapp : +2348115381248

  2. My name is florence i live in USA i am a Lesbian and just 7 months ago my lesbian girlfriend broke up with me and ever since then i have been trying to get her back to love me again but all my effort to get her back did not work, i hardly sleep because i love her so much and i could not afford to loose her so i had to contact a powerful spell caster and doctor called doctor azeke whom i heard was specialized in helping people in this kind of situation.To cut my story short i contacted doctor azeke and he promised to help me get her back to me in just 4 days and at exactly 4 days she called me on phone for the first time since she left me, i was happy and knew it has started working and just after few days after she fell in love with me again and promise never to live me again. I am so happy today that my lesbian girlfriend is back again and i never could have get her back my self if not for the doctors spell so i am advising if you are finding it difficult to get your ex girlfriend or boyfriend, wife or husband back getting your lesbian or gay friend back in your life, you need to contact him and i am 100% sure he will be happy to help you all out. this is his contact info email:          whatsapp : +2348115381248


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