Our goal is to help you find reconciliation whenever it's possible. A love lost is ALWAYS a tragedy. A love GAINED is a new TREASURE more precious than gold! To have loved and lost is far greater than never having loved at all! No one is perfect until you fall in love with them.
How to deal with breaking up
Most people don’t have any idea how difficult ”breaking up and moving on” is until they have been through it. It can be almost as bad as mourning the death of a loved one. Somehow, you have got to be able to move on but that is easier said than done.
If you don’t have a strong support system it’s even harder but everyone survives the process. That’s not to say that there won’t be any permanent scars or things that you may never get over. The best way to handle it is to find some counseling if you don’t have anyone to talk to.
There are no set rules that work for everyone. However, you should be able to get through this tough time in your life if you are willing to deal with the pain right away. Shoving your feelings down is just a temporary fix. Get as much ”break up support” as you possibly can.
Dwelling on the past will just keep you mired in the process that much longer. It’s only human nature to treasure what we can see, touch and experience. Fear of the unknown is hard for everyone because it involves taking risks. Some are better at it than others. Don’t hold onto a past relationship that you weren’t really happy in anyway.
One of the best things you can do is to not become a hermit. Even if you are sad, not being around your friends and family is the worst thing you can do. Force yourself to go out if you have to.
The other nice thing about being with friends and family is they often times have insights on ”how to deal with breaking up” that you don’t. They also know you better than anyone else and know how to cheer you up and offer support. We are all different. Give other people that know you well the chance to lift you up!
Relationship breakup puts a lot of people through fear and misery. Expecting anything less would be foolish. It takes time to get over it. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you are still struggling with a breakup even a year or two later. The best advice is probably to get back on the horse, start living again and keep riding into the sunset! You will get through it. Learn from your mistakes and “don’t waste the pain”!
How to stop a break up.
A ”romantic break up” is one of the most difficult situations for anyone to get through in life. Losing a job or having a family member or loved one pass away may be more painful but break ups are right up there too. Chances are you probably saw “the writing on the wall” quite some time ago before it actually happened.
If you are uncertain about your current relationship and trying to figure out if a break up is on the horizon there are some things to be on the look out for.
If you and your partner have been sexually active and the interest seems to be waning that is always a tell tale sign. You had better plan on ”coping with a broken heart” down the road if it’s that obvious. It’s only natural to see your sex life ebb and flow with the demands on your time. Couples go through phases when they are really interested and then they go on a "sabbatical" for a while. But, this is always one of the first areas that deteriorates when things are starting to go badly.
Many couples are just naturally more affectionate than others. That is their comfort level . Avoiding contact all together for an extended period time though is usually a tell tale sign that trouble is brewing.
Putting your arm around your partners shoulder or holding their hand tends to subside a little in a relationship as time goes on. If anything seems completely out of the ordinary you should start to get a little concerned.
You may have interpreted your partners gestures incorrectly and need to get some clarification from them. Don’t jump to any conclusions because their actions may have been totally unintended. They could be preoccupied with something on their mind or unintentionally startled by your touch.
Foreplay is very important because it sets the stage for more intimate activities later on. Your partner may not be in the mood though when you try to touch them. If they move away it just might be a sign that that is the only thing going on. That definitely isn’t a sign of a pending ”love breakup”.
Don’t become convinced that a break up is pending if you catch your partner in a little white lie. After all, we all have some secrets that we want to keep. There isn’t any harm in that.
Having your partner lie to you on a constant basis and confronting them over and over again on the same things is a very real concern. Ordinarily, situations like this lead to a full scale blowout down the road. Be tactful when the problem starts out but let your partner know that the behavior is becoming a real problem if it persists. There are some wonderful resources including a good quality ”relationship e book” if you are confused and not sure what to do.
Communication is the key to avoiding any kind of a break up. Make sure you set aside time to be with each other and share everything on your mind. It has to be a priority. If you don’t work things out and nip them in the bud it always leads to bigger problems down the road.
Tips for moving on after a breakup
Being emotionally ready to move on after a breakup is easier said than done. No one is completely ready for the toll that breaking up takes on everyone involved. Unfortunately, many couples just get to a point that they don’t know ”how to save a failing a relationship”.
If you have made the decision to call it quits (which no one ever likes to see) there are some things you can do to minimize the damage. The biggest problem that you will likely encounter is the adjustment your friends and family will have to make to the breakup. It’s only natural for them to think of your pending ex as an extension of you.
They obviously mean well when they keep bringing up the person you are leaving in your conversations. Remember that they will come around eventually even if you get tired of reminding them that you and your ex have parted ways. You can’t blame your family members for wanting you to be happy and trying to ”stop your breakup”. After all, they were the ones that probably had the most intimate moments with your soon to be ex at holidays and so forth.
A good way to alleviate the situation is to take down pictures of your partner or anything else that would remind people about them. This kind of sets the stage for everyone on the next chapter in your life.
If you had been together for any length of time you probably had mutual friends. Couples tend to pair off with other couples instead of single friends. This is obviously one of the most auckward situations to deal with after you have split up. Unfortunately, friends like these often feel they are caught in the middle and have to choose sides. That’s never an easy situation for anyone.
The main thing to recognize is that your old friends will probably gravitate to other couples that are still together. You might be hurt but sometimes it’s best for everyone involved. Think of it as an opportunity to make new friends and chart a new course in your life! ”Relationships breaking up” always present challenges that are difficult to handle. Just accept it and move on!
All of this will eventually wear you down. Try going on vacation or getting away for a change of scenery every once in a while. If you feel too pressured to conform to everyone else’s expectations, find a way to give yourself some breathing room again. This is a perfect opportunity to take a friend along that may not have been involved in your pre split up situation.
Be firm with your friends and family and let them know that your decision is final (if it is). If they get off on a tangent and start talking about your soon to be ex calmly tell them that that part of your life is over and everyone has to move on. Be patient and understanding. It’s a totally new environment that takes time to get used to!
If you have made the decision to call it quits (which no one ever likes to see) there are some things you can do to minimize the damage. The biggest problem that you will likely encounter is the adjustment your friends and family will have to make to the breakup. It’s only natural for them to think of your pending ex as an extension of you.
They obviously mean well when they keep bringing up the person you are leaving in your conversations. Remember that they will come around eventually even if you get tired of reminding them that you and your ex have parted ways. You can’t blame your family members for wanting you to be happy and trying to ”stop your breakup”. After all, they were the ones that probably had the most intimate moments with your soon to be ex at holidays and so forth.
A good way to alleviate the situation is to take down pictures of your partner or anything else that would remind people about them. This kind of sets the stage for everyone on the next chapter in your life.
If you had been together for any length of time you probably had mutual friends. Couples tend to pair off with other couples instead of single friends. This is obviously one of the most auckward situations to deal with after you have split up. Unfortunately, friends like these often feel they are caught in the middle and have to choose sides. That’s never an easy situation for anyone.
The main thing to recognize is that your old friends will probably gravitate to other couples that are still together. You might be hurt but sometimes it’s best for everyone involved. Think of it as an opportunity to make new friends and chart a new course in your life! ”Relationships breaking up” always present challenges that are difficult to handle. Just accept it and move on!
All of this will eventually wear you down. Try going on vacation or getting away for a change of scenery every once in a while. If you feel too pressured to conform to everyone else’s expectations, find a way to give yourself some breathing room again. This is a perfect opportunity to take a friend along that may not have been involved in your pre split up situation.
Be firm with your friends and family and let them know that your decision is final (if it is). If they get off on a tangent and start talking about your soon to be ex calmly tell them that that part of your life is over and everyone has to move on. Be patient and understanding. It’s a totally new environment that takes time to get used to!
Tips for moving on after a breakup
Being emotionally ready to move on after a breakup is easier said than done. No one is completely ready for the toll that breaking up takes on everyone involved. Unfortunately, many couples just get to a point that they don’t know ”how to save a failing a relationship”.
If you have made the decision to call it quits (which no one ever likes to see) there are some things you can do to minimize the damage. The biggest problem that you will likely encounter is the adjustment your friends and family will have to make to the breakup. It’s only natural for them to think of your pending ex as an extension of you.
They obviously mean well when they keep bringing up the person you are leaving in your conversations. Remember that they will come around eventually even if you get tired of reminding them that you and your ex have parted ways. You can’t blame your family members for wanting you to be happy and trying to ”stop your breakup”. After all, they were the ones that probably had the most intimate moments with your soon to be ex at holidays and so forth.
A good way to alleviate the situation is to take down pictures of your partner or anything else that would remind people about them. This kind of sets the stage for everyone on the next chapter in your life.
If you had been together for any length of time you probably had mutual friends. Couples tend to pair off with other couples instead of single friends. This is obviously one of the most auckward situations to deal with after you have split up. Unfortunately, friends like these often feel they are caught in the middle and have to choose sides. That’s never an easy situation for anyone.
The main thing to recognize is that your old friends will probably gravitate to other couples that are still together. You might be hurt but sometimes it’s best for everyone involved. Think of it as an opportunity to make new friends and chart a new course in your life! ”Relationships breaking up” always present challenges that are difficult to handle. Just accept it and move on!
All of this will eventually wear you down. Try going on vacation or getting away for a change of scenery every once in a while. If you feel too pressured to conform to everyone else’s expectations, find a way to give yourself some breathing room again. This is a perfect opportunity to take a friend along that may not have been involved in your pre split up situation.
Be firm with your friends and family and let them know that your decision is final (if it is). If they get off on a tangent and start talking about your soon to be ex calmly tell them that that part of your life is over and everyone has to move on. Be patient and understanding. It’s a totally new environment that takes time to get used to!
If you have made the decision to call it quits (which no one ever likes to see) there are some things you can do to minimize the damage. The biggest problem that you will likely encounter is the adjustment your friends and family will have to make to the breakup. It’s only natural for them to think of your pending ex as an extension of you.
They obviously mean well when they keep bringing up the person you are leaving in your conversations. Remember that they will come around eventually even if you get tired of reminding them that you and your ex have parted ways. You can’t blame your family members for wanting you to be happy and trying to ”stop your breakup”. After all, they were the ones that probably had the most intimate moments with your soon to be ex at holidays and so forth.
A good way to alleviate the situation is to take down pictures of your partner or anything else that would remind people about them. This kind of sets the stage for everyone on the next chapter in your life.
If you had been together for any length of time you probably had mutual friends. Couples tend to pair off with other couples instead of single friends. This is obviously one of the most auckward situations to deal with after you have split up. Unfortunately, friends like these often feel they are caught in the middle and have to choose sides. That’s never an easy situation for anyone.
The main thing to recognize is that your old friends will probably gravitate to other couples that are still together. You might be hurt but sometimes it’s best for everyone involved. Think of it as an opportunity to make new friends and chart a new course in your life! ”Relationships breaking up” always present challenges that are difficult to handle. Just accept it and move on!
All of this will eventually wear you down. Try going on vacation or getting away for a change of scenery every once in a while. If you feel too pressured to conform to everyone else’s expectations, find a way to give yourself some breathing room again. This is a perfect opportunity to take a friend along that may not have been involved in your pre split up situation.
Be firm with your friends and family and let them know that your decision is final (if it is). If they get off on a tangent and start talking about your soon to be ex calmly tell them that that part of your life is over and everyone has to move on. Be patient and understanding. It’s a totally new environment that takes time to get used to!
How to get back together with your boyfriend
It can be very frustrating trying to get your boyfriend back when you have tried everything you can think of. If you have begged and pleaded with him and that doesn’t seem to be working it might be time to try a new approach. There isn’t one set formula for knowing ”how to get back a boyfriend”. Sometimes you need to be willing to try something new.
Calling him 7 or 8 times a day and leaving messages on his answering machine is the wrong approach. The last thing you want to do is come across as being desperate. As much as you want him back he isn’t going to come around until HE’S ready. Bugging him constantly will not make that happen any faster.
Checking in with him occasionally is fine but don’t get into a long discussion and drag up the same old issues that you were fighting about before. Give him a little space. Both of you need some time to calm down and start thinking rationally again.
If you do talk to him and see that your conversation is going in the wrong direction say something like: “ I know that this is a sore subject right now. I didn’t call to argue. I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I still care for you so much. I'm willing to give you as much time as you need to work things out for yourself”.
Following him around and stalking are not smart ”ways to get your ex boyfriend back”. If he sees you doing this he is going to distance himself from you even more. A lot times it is almost impossible to avoid being together at all in social settings. Be kind and gracious if that happens but display a certain degree of aloofness. The mystery will drive him crazy and make him wonder what you are up to!
The main thing that you want to accomplish with all of this is to give your ex boyfriend an opportunity to make a move. You have to let him come back to you on his own terms to some degree and be willing to compromise if necessary. Take some time to think about what you may have done wrong to cause the break up. There will be plenty of time and opportunities to work out the other issues later on.
If you come across as being childish or scheming this is going to turn him off even more. Be sure to act like an adult and expect him to do the same. A relationship can’t be built again if you don’t trust and respect each other.
A final word of advice: be patient. Understand that a break from each other might not be such a bad thing after all. You may have had some issues that couldn’t be dealt with any other way. Absence does make the heart grow fonder and make you appreciate each other more!
Calling him 7 or 8 times a day and leaving messages on his answering machine is the wrong approach. The last thing you want to do is come across as being desperate. As much as you want him back he isn’t going to come around until HE’S ready. Bugging him constantly will not make that happen any faster.
Checking in with him occasionally is fine but don’t get into a long discussion and drag up the same old issues that you were fighting about before. Give him a little space. Both of you need some time to calm down and start thinking rationally again.
If you do talk to him and see that your conversation is going in the wrong direction say something like: “ I know that this is a sore subject right now. I didn’t call to argue. I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I still care for you so much. I'm willing to give you as much time as you need to work things out for yourself”.
Following him around and stalking are not smart ”ways to get your ex boyfriend back”. If he sees you doing this he is going to distance himself from you even more. A lot times it is almost impossible to avoid being together at all in social settings. Be kind and gracious if that happens but display a certain degree of aloofness. The mystery will drive him crazy and make him wonder what you are up to!
The main thing that you want to accomplish with all of this is to give your ex boyfriend an opportunity to make a move. You have to let him come back to you on his own terms to some degree and be willing to compromise if necessary. Take some time to think about what you may have done wrong to cause the break up. There will be plenty of time and opportunities to work out the other issues later on.
If you come across as being childish or scheming this is going to turn him off even more. Be sure to act like an adult and expect him to do the same. A relationship can’t be built again if you don’t trust and respect each other.
A final word of advice: be patient. Understand that a break from each other might not be such a bad thing after all. You may have had some issues that couldn’t be dealt with any other way. Absence does make the heart grow fonder and make you appreciate each other more!
Can I save my relationship and stop a divorce?
Different couples handle a pending divorce in their own ways. Knowing ”how to stop your divorce” is a question that you may be dealing with. Rest assured, there is always hope if you both of you are willing to work at it.
Before you can even think about stopping a divorce you must convince the other person to give the relationship another chance. If you are constantly fighting, then someone has to be the adult and say "this is not a good time to talk about this" or "tell me why you are feeling that way in a normal tone". This may seem ackward at first but neither of you are going to make any progress if you can't talk rationally.
The worst thing you can do is to beg the other person to keep trying if they aren’t willing. YOU end up just getting more frustrated and resentful. Give them a break for a little while and let cooler heads prevail.
Many, many couples are in the last legal stages of divorce when they realize it’s not such a good idea. When the reality finally sinks in they start having second thoughts. All of a sudden reconciliation doesn’t seem so impossible. Ask any couple that has been through a divorce and they will tell you to do everything you can to avoid it.
You can often save your relationship with a professional counselor or a variety of wonderful "relationship sources on the internet". Make the time and effort to check them out. Once you are divorced there is no going back. Keep a journal of what you are feeling each day and write down your thoughts. Putting those things on paper helps so many people sort through their emotions.
If you are BOTH willing to do what the counselor tells you the odds are pretty good it can be a success. Having said that, there isn’t much hope if one or the other of you are not totally committed to being flexible and taking the whole process seriously. Over time, you should be able to make the other person see why they fell in love with you in the first place.
The question that you both have to ask yourselves is: “will both of us REALLY be happier being alone again”? It is never something to be taken lightly. The fighting may go away but you will replace it with a sense of grief that you have failed. It’s so much better to get help as soon as possible.
If you succeed in stopping the divorce, you must make a promise to each other that you will both work through your problems and never think about it again. Knowing ”how to avoid divorce” means neither of you will ever consider it as a solution to your problems.
Find the will to succeed and you will be successful. Failure is not an option when you open yourself up to the wounds and pain of divorce. Do whatever it takes to make sure it never happens. Instead of fighting WITH each other vow that you will fight FOR each other. You will never regret saving your relationship.
Before you can even think about stopping a divorce you must convince the other person to give the relationship another chance. If you are constantly fighting, then someone has to be the adult and say "this is not a good time to talk about this" or "tell me why you are feeling that way in a normal tone". This may seem ackward at first but neither of you are going to make any progress if you can't talk rationally.
The worst thing you can do is to beg the other person to keep trying if they aren’t willing. YOU end up just getting more frustrated and resentful. Give them a break for a little while and let cooler heads prevail.
Many, many couples are in the last legal stages of divorce when they realize it’s not such a good idea. When the reality finally sinks in they start having second thoughts. All of a sudden reconciliation doesn’t seem so impossible. Ask any couple that has been through a divorce and they will tell you to do everything you can to avoid it.
You can often save your relationship with a professional counselor or a variety of wonderful "relationship sources on the internet". Make the time and effort to check them out. Once you are divorced there is no going back. Keep a journal of what you are feeling each day and write down your thoughts. Putting those things on paper helps so many people sort through their emotions.
If you are BOTH willing to do what the counselor tells you the odds are pretty good it can be a success. Having said that, there isn’t much hope if one or the other of you are not totally committed to being flexible and taking the whole process seriously. Over time, you should be able to make the other person see why they fell in love with you in the first place.
The question that you both have to ask yourselves is: “will both of us REALLY be happier being alone again”? It is never something to be taken lightly. The fighting may go away but you will replace it with a sense of grief that you have failed. It’s so much better to get help as soon as possible.
If you succeed in stopping the divorce, you must make a promise to each other that you will both work through your problems and never think about it again. Knowing ”how to avoid divorce” means neither of you will ever consider it as a solution to your problems.
Find the will to succeed and you will be successful. Failure is not an option when you open yourself up to the wounds and pain of divorce. Do whatever it takes to make sure it never happens. Instead of fighting WITH each other vow that you will fight FOR each other. You will never regret saving your relationship.
How to get back together when your ex doesn’t want to
Trying to rekindle a romance with someone that doesn’t want you back may seem overwhelming. A lot of times, people misunderstand the real reasons that the other person left in the first place. Even if your ex claims that they don’t love you that may not be entirely true.
Many couples break up over some of the silliest things when you stop and think about it. Quite often, it may have been over something that was said or a misunderstanding. If your ex is a little stubborn they may have “dug in their heels” for no good reason. Nagging and yelling at them is not going to get them to think rationally again.
Sometimes, the best person to give advice is a family friend, a parent or someone that your partner respects and admires. Chances are they are just as upset about your break up and more than willing to help out any way they can.
The reality is that relationships fall apart for a reason. If you are trying to get back together and your ex doesn’t want any part of it you have to get inside their head a little bit. Rather than looking at it from your point of view you have to put yourself in their place.
You need to be asking questions like: why do they feel the way they do? did I handle a situation poorly? could I have been a little bit more understanding and open minded? where did I go wrong to make them not want to come back? When you have got an answer to some of those things you can formulate a plan of attack.
You see… we all want to be understood. It’s not absolutely critical that everyone agrees with us all the time because it just doesn’t happen. Being in love involves give and take with a strong dosage of compromise.
It’s almost impossible to make a relationship work again if you haven’t REALLY answered the question of ”should I get back together”. Only you can answer that question. Were you the victim of a violent act or being physically harmed in the relationship? Co dependency is a big problem (primarily with women) that don’t have enough self confidence to venture out on their own even though they should. Those are "no brainer" situations that you shouldn't even have to think about.
If you both felt like breaking up was the best thing at the time to do it probably was. Situations and circumstances change though. That’s not to say that you both didn’t make a mistake but your first reaction is usually a pretty good indicator of what you should do in the long run. Chances are you had both been giving a lot of thought to ending the relationship long before it happened.
Couples counseling is a wonderful investment if you are both confused. It takes time to sort through your feelings. A licensed professional can help both of you deal with issues that you may not have even realized were under the surface. A wonderful resource that you might consider as well is the “Magic of Making Up” eBook. It’s filled with lots of practical advice that you won’t find anywhere else.
After you first break up it’s only natural to be attached to your ex. You have invested so much of your energy and time into building up your lives together. As time goes on you can really answer the question of “should I get back together with my ex”. It’s not easy being objective for a little while. Give yourself some time to sort through things.
Be patient and let your ex know that you will be waiting for them. Reassure them that you made a lot of mistakes and realize that you were at fault in so many cases. They will soon be willing to open up and admit their failures as well. Time heals a lot of wounds. Many couples are so much happier once they get back together after a break up. It can be a sobering experience but one that gives them strength and wisdom.
Just be sure that you have really dealt with all of the issues that caused your break up in the first place before getting back together. Keep in mind that behavior modification comes from within. Willing parties will eventually prevail!
So how do you keep a woman happy?
Men have struggled with this from the beginning of time. It’s no earth shattering discovery that men and women are different in many ways. So, how can you keep your gal from losing interest in you?
If you were dating and have already broken up then obviously you failed the test. You are now searching for the answers on how to get your ex girlfriend back. Don’t get too discouraged because a little hard work can repair any damage that might have been done.
The first piece of advice that any man needs to hear is that his woman wants to be appreciated. Never, ever take her for granted because she is a blessing that will get you through the tough times in life. You'd be surprised how strong your woman can be if she knows you are "in her court".
Always make sure you put your woman on a pedestal. She needs to know that she is the most beautiful creature in the world to you. She may seem to shrug off your gestures and comments about how amazing she is but those things are stored in her "memory bank".
You may not be interested in some of the activities that she enjoys but make every effort to go along with her if you can. Shopping is something men hate. Sometimes, you just have to go with your gal to the mall or department store and keep your mouth shut! Maybe your ex girlfriend just couldn’t get enough of it. You may have to swallow your pride a little in this area to make her come back.
A lot of guys are guilty of letting the romance die. Women crave it and need it. Men will probably never completely understand why it is so important. If you want to keep your woman you have to pay attention to this one guys! Even the he little things that you do mean so much to a woman. Stop at the grocery store and get her a bouquet of roses or call every once in a while just to say “I love you”. Arrange for a weekend away without the kids if you are married for the two of you. We all get stuck in a rut.
Women in general are more emotional than guys. A lot of that is due to hormones but that is just part of their makeup too. You have to be extremely careful about what you say because they do tend to take things personally (even though it wasn’t meant to be that way).
An absolute “no no” is to ogle other women when you are with your gal. Women tend to think you are comparing them to the woman you are looking at. You certainly are not thinking that way but that is how they percieve it. Women are looking for a lifetime partner that they can raise their children with. They want stability and commitment. Looking at other women destroys her self confidence. Getting her heart back is extremely difficult if you can’t get this part of your behavior under control.
Keep a sense of humor and never take yourself too seriously. Life is hard enough as it is. Have fun together, tickle her and giggle with her. Just be silly sometimes and try not to let the pressures of life suck all the joy out of your relationship.
All of these ideas are common sense. We all need a reminder from time to time about the things we forget to do. Many a man has driven his woman away because he didn’t take care to do the little things that mean so much to her. If you have already had that happen there is a book called the “Magic of Making Up” that has made a difference for so many people. Sometimes you just need an outsiders ideas to help you think about things that you may not have considered. You might want to check the book out for yourself.
Reconciling marriage and stopping a divorce
If you have come to conclusion that divorce was the only answer to your relationship problem and then changed your mind you are not alone. You can stop the divorce if you are willing to swallow your pride and take responsibility for your own actions. Isn’t it so much easier for all of us to blame the other person and think we haven’t done anything wrong?
You probably had a moment of weakness and thought that throwing in the towel would be so much easier than going on. Maybe something was said that you regret now and realize that it was a poor choice. If you are at that place there is hope after all!
Most of the time couples don’t consider a divorce until a lot of thought has been put into it. However, there are also times when one person mentions it and then the other person feeds off that idea. Admitting that you made a mistake and your decision was poorly made is the first step to understanding how to stop your divorce.
If you come to your spouse and admit that you were wrong they will probably realize that they were too. There isn’t any hope trying to keep the marriage alive if both of you are not willing to fight to make it happen. That means doing everything possible to change and start going in the right direction. If either of you are less than 100% committed the effort is doomed to failure.
Both of you are going to have to be willing to forgive each other. That’s not an easy thing for any of us. We have to let go of the resentment and anger that has been building up. Sometimes, counseling is the only way couples can work through that process. Most of the time it is almost impossible to go it alone and one of the only ways to save your marriage.
A willingness to work on your problems will give you the energy and ability to get through this tough time in your lives. Screaming and yelling at each other will just give your spouse even more of a reason to want to get away from you. It has to be done in a loving, careful manner. Being inflexible will only lead to further heartbreak.
You have to agree that you can’t go back to what the relationship was before. If it was working then you wouldn’t be where you are now. Being able to change and compromise are absolutely vital to crafting a new relationship that will stand the test of time! In the end, you will be stronger and more in love than ever!
How to get over someone that you love.
Splitting up with someone that you have cared about so deeply is such a difficult thing. It takes such a long time for most of us to get back to normal. Many people are grieving that special person for years or even decades.
“Tips to get your ex back” are all too often few and far between. It seems like no matter what you do it just doesn’t work. You may think you have turned the corner and then you are right back where you started. Does it always have to be like this?
Unfortunately, the answer to that is probably yes. You see relationships are kind of these sticky gooey things. They are tough to get your arms around. What may work for someone else isn’t necessarily going to be successful for you. Be assured that you will have days when things finally seem to be going right and then many others that are such a downer.
It’s the period of time soon after the loss that should be the hardest, that makes you ask “how to get over someone you love”. The process does get easier as time goes on though. There is always hope of being able to reunite if both of you are fully committed to making it happen.
You soon realize that the visual reminders of that other person have got to go or at least be stored away. Facing the pain is tough enough without constantly being reminded about the good times that you had together. No matter what you do the process is going to be painful. Don’t make it any worse than it already is.
There are all kinds of support groups with people that are experiencing the very same things in their lives. While they should never turn into a “pity party” it often makes a lot of sense for many people. Just being able to get things off your chest and talk about things helps. “How to get over being dumped” is the worst situation for everyone. The rejection, bitterness and anger is only natural. It’s OK to feel that way for a while but don’t let those things fester too long.
Finding a professional counselor is often necessary because your friends and family get tired of trying to support you. Let’s face it, they have problems of their own. You eventually wear them down if you keep relying on them all the time. If you need professional help be sure and get it!
Does counseling for relationships work?
Every relationship is as different as the people that are involved in them. It’s almost impossible to say whether counseling will make a difference for you or not. So what can you expect if you decide to hire a professional to help you and your partner with your problems?
First and foremost be realistic about what they can do. It’s kind of like catching cancer at an early stage. If the divisions in your relationship are so deep with a lot of bitterness and hatred the outcome is definitely questionable. Early counseling often does prevent a future divorce IF the partners are willing to take the advice they are given.
Sadly, many couples end up being together when they are just not compatible. It may be due to an unexpected pregnancy or it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time. If you are dating and searching for “ways to get my boyfriend back” or “ways to get my girlfriend back” that's another matter entirely.
Counseling certainly has its place and helps many people get through a tough time in their relationship. Be prepared for some astronomical fees though if it takes quite some time. If you are a member of a church and feel that a pastor is an excellent resource by all means check them out. You’d be surprised at the expertise that they have in this area. After all, counseling is a big part of their job!
The problem that many couples face is that one of the people in the relationship may not be committed to really trying counseling. It’s hard to admit that we have problems sometimes. Many individuals have a difficult time opening up and telling a complete stranger their most intimate feelings.
Knowing how to present the idea of going to counseling is extremely important. If you do it in a bullying fashion or tell them they have to do it or you’ll walk out the results will be less than satisfactory. Explain to them that you are having a hard time dealing with a lot of the issues in your relationship and you need help. They’ll likely be more receptive to the idea that way.
If you ask your partner to go to counseling because you have some issues you need to work on, they’re more likely to view the idea favorably. Explain that you think you need some help to be able to contribute more to the relationship, and to learn how to be a better partner or spouse. Don’t ever accuse the other person of need counseling. Even if you believe that they are most of the problem, don’t say so.
”Love and relationship advice” is available in a variety of ways. The internet is a wonderful resource with all kinds of help available. Friends and family (particularly parents) are often some of the greatest sources of wisdom and inspiration when you feel alone and confused. It’s never to late to try counseling because a relationship is such a big investment in anyone’s life. Don’t give up without a fight!
Sometimes the most effective counseling involves a one on one session with a professional. You may need to work out your own feelings first and feel individual attention is justified first. There might be some areas that you need to change before the relationship can heal. Be willing to make the changes that you need to no matter what they are to be successful. There isn’t any point of working at the relationship if you both are not totally committed to doing what it takes!
If you ”want your ex back” it may involve hardships and sacrifices that you can’t even imagine. Painful experiences and hard feelings just can’t be crammed down and never dealt with. You have to be willing to work on yourself first before you can change the other person.
Don’t let the process get mired in pointing fingers at each other and refusing to bend on anything. It takes compromise and understanding to repair a relationship. Give yourself the chance to re unite and move on. You’ll be glad you did!
How to handle a breakup gracefully!
If you have gone through a breakup recently you are probably heart broken, bitter and angry. Many people never really get over splitting up with the person that they cared about so much. One of the excellent things to help in a situation like this is to write poetry!
Your deepest feelings have been dredged up and tromped on. Sometimes a painful situation is made easier by whatever outlet you can find to express yourself. It might be something else entirely. Reading a relationship eBook may help you get a handle on your feelings and what to do next.
Writing down what you are thinking about and keeping a journal makes a difference for many people. Just let the ideas flow. If something comes to mind write it down. Don’t worry about the grammar or spelling. The idea is to jot down things that you can look back on over time.
Your language doesn’t have to be flowery. If you have any kind of a creative bent poetry may be a way of expressing your pain. You are looking for an outlet and a way to vent. It could be hitting the bed with a tennis racket as well! Smashing a racquetball against a wall is another way some people deal with it!
Do you remember how you felt when a loved one passed away? Wasn’t it comforting when someone sent you a sympathy card and put a personal note about your relative in it? Didn’t those kind words mean so much and seem so helpful? How to know when to end a relationship is something we all handle differently. It's a grieving process.
Give yourself some time to sort through your feelings before you do anything drastic. You have invested so much of yourself in your partnership. There is a time to come together and a time to say good bye to everything.
So many people think that they can deaden the pain by drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Unfortunately, as Hollywood will attest, that is only a temporary fix with deadly results. The recent death of Anna Nicole Smith is a very good example of a life gone too soon because of her drug and alcohol problems.
Think of the contributions that Ernest Hemingway could have made in the literary world if he hadn’t taken his own life? How about Marilyn Monroe? What the world have been like if we had only known them longer?
When you express your feelings in a journal, song or poetry do it in your style. Don’t try to impress anyone. You are doing this for your own benefit. No one else has to know about it.
The nice thing about all of this is that you may finally come to the conclusion that you are ready to start winning your ex back after all! Start a blog about your feelings and let the world know what is going on in your life. You’ll be amazed at the people that will read your blog and offer advice. Sometimes, we just need a shoulder to cry on. People can be so supportive if you give them a chance.
You can start by writing one huge paragraph filled with all your feelings and everything you want to express, just to get it out. Let other people fill in the blanks for you as you go along! Write the same way you talk and start a new paragraph whenever it feels natural. The idea is to just let things flow.
The reality is that you can’t ever figure out ”how to get over my ex” until you deal with all your emotions and the things that you had in common. Time is the greatest healing process for anyone that is grieving. It does get easier as the days and weeks pass. Sometimes, you never get over it completely but you learn to live with it.
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